A glass of wine stands in front of two bottles and fresh peach slices.

Sweet, tender peaches are one of the summer’s greatest gifts. When you have a windfall of peaches, make sure to set aside some to make a batch of peach wine!

Peach wine is one of our favorite country wines to enjoyโ€”it tastes like summer in a bottle, and it’s perfect when chilled and served with a cheese board on a toasty summer evening. If you’re new to making your own homemade wine, no worries! We’ll take you through the process step-by-step, and you’ll be making your own peach wine in no time. Let’s get brewing!

A hand holds up a chilled glass of homemade peach wine.

Is peach wine sweet?

The magic of making your own wine is that you can completely customize it to make it what you want! We’ll teach you how to make a dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, and sweet peach wineโ€”all from the same recipe!

What color is peach wine?

The color of your final wine will depend highly on the blush of the peach skins on your batch of peaches. If your peaches have a lot of red on them, you’ll get a coral or even pink wine. If your peach skins are very orange or pale yellow, your wine will be closer to the yellow spectrum.

Golden peach wine close up in a stemmed wine glass.

What equipment do I need for making peach wine?

I recommend the following winemaking supplies for beginners. While you can definitely get fancier than this, these are all the bare minimum tools you will need for peach wine, and should come out to a total cost of under $60.

A primary fermentation container:

While we use a fermenter designed for wine, you can also use a big bucket, larger jar, or crock. You need to make sure the container is 40% larger than the amount of wine you want to end up with. This may seem too big, but you need the extra space for three reasons:

  1. The fresh fruit in the primary fermentation will take up a lot of room.
  2. The yeast needs space to get all bubbly.
  3. Extra space = extra oxygen for the yeast to work with.

The peach wine recipe below is for 1 gallon of wine, so you’ll want a container that is at least 1.4 gallons large.

Peach wine ferments in a glass carboy with a spigot and an airlock, with whole fresh peaches around it.

A carboy for secondary fermentation

This is just a fancy word for a big glass jug! We buy one gallon carboys in a bundle with an airlock and cork, but you can also buy them in larger sizes if you plan to make larger batches of wine. Whichever size you choose, make sure your carboy has a narrow neckโ€”having less surface area of the wine exposed to oxygen is a good thing!

An airlock:

Okay, this one isn’t technically necessary, but they are less than $3 and they make winemaking so much easier. The airlock releases the carbon dioxide from fermentation without letting oxygen or anything else into your wine. We go into more detail on the types of airlocks in our fruit wines post.

Close up of a glass of peach wine with a fresh peach slice in the glass.

Bottling equipment:

How you bottle your finished wine is up to you! We like flip-top glass bottles because they are easy and adorable, but you can also use new or recycled wine bottles and a corker, or even glass mason jars.

A siphon/bottle filler will make it much easier to rack, or transfer/bottle, your wineโ€” it is an efficient way to transfer wine from one container to another without disturbing the sediment.

You’ll also want a container with a spigot that you can use to bottle from. You can buy a special bottling bucket, but we just use our  primary fermenter.

Close up of two bottles of homemade peach wine and fresh peach slices.

Standard Kitchen Equipment

Everything else you’ll need are things you probably already have in your kitchen, like spoons, funnels, and sieves. Ready with your equipment? Let’s talk ingredients!

What ingredients do I need for peach wine?

You’ll only need a handful of ingredients for peach wine. Let’s get into them!

Peaches (obviously!)

We recommend finding fresh, in-season peaches, pitting them, slicing or roughly chopping them, and then freezing them. Freezing the peaches breaks down their cell structure so that they release their juices more easily come wine time.

Wholefully Protip

Keep those skins on the peaches! They add a beautiful hue to your finished wine.


You’re going to need a lot of organic cane sugar here. Never fear, dry wine loversโ€”most of that sugar is going to feed the yeast and will be turned into alcohol, so adding lots of sugar doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll end up with a sweet wine.

If you want to use another sweetener, you can, but it won’t be wine anymore, and it will change the process a bit. So today, we’re sticking with white sugar.

A chilled glass of homemade country wine stands with fresh peach slices around it, and a full bottle behind it.


Spring water from the store or filtered water is bestโ€”chlorinated tap water can interfere with your yeast!


Yeast is what turns the fruit, sugar, and water into wine! Many folks use wild yeast to brew winesโ€”it’s the classic way to make wineโ€”but to keep things easy for beginners, we’re recommending you use purchased winemaker’s yeast. We use Red Star Premier Blanc Yeast for our peach wine.

Close up of a glass of peach wine with a fresh peach slice in the glass.

Wine Additives

Fruit, sugar, yeast and water are all you need to make peach wine, but there are some additives you can use to improve the flavor, fermentation, and appearance of your wine. Here’s what we use in our peach wine:

  • Acid: To get a good balanced flavor, it’s nice to add acid to your homemade wine. You can do this using citrus juiceโ€”lemons and lemon juice are particularly good with peachesโ€”or you can go for consistency and use a high quality winemaker’s acid blend.
  • Pectic Enzyme: If you want a crisp, clear wine, you’ll want to use pectic enzyme in your brew. This helps the wine clear up after fermentation. If a cloudy or hazy wine doesn’t bother you, skip the pectic enzyme!
  • Tannin: Tannin adds a bit of astringency to your wineโ€”which can be a good thing for a balanced flavor! You can add tannin by using purchased Wine Tannin or by just adding a cup or two of strongly brewed black tea.

Wholefully Protip

Yeast needs nutrients to thrive, and with some fruit wines (like our blueberry wine), we recommend using yeast nutrient to help along the fermentation. We’ve never needed it with peach wine but if you find your fermentation sluggish, some Yeast Nutrient can reactivate the fermentation and help your wine along.

Close up of a glass of chilled, clear peach wine with a fresh peach slice on the rim.

Can I use frozen peaches?

Absolutely, and frozen peaches will work better than fresh! Even if you just picked your peaches, we recommend freezing them first so that the juice is released more easily.

How many peaches do I need?

Winemaking is more of an art than a science, so you can experiment with this a little bit. In general, you’ll want between 3 to 3 1/2 pounds of peaches for a gallon of peach wine.

How do I make a dry peach wine (or a sweet peach wine)?

The sweetness of your finished wine comes down to both the amount of sugar you add and how much sugar your wine yeast can eat. Different strains of yeast eat different amounts of sugar and live to a higher alcohol contentโ€”a yeast that can tolerate a higher alcohol content will typically give you a drier wine.

A hand holds a bottle of homemade fruit wine with a masking tape label that reads "Peach."
When you are just starting out, I recommend starting with 2-3 pounds of sugar and a yeast that has an average alcohol tolerance. With a 14% alcohol tolerance, Red Star Premier Blanc is a great yeast for a semi-dry wine for beginners, and you can sweeten to taste from there.

For a sweeter wine, add more sugar with the same yeast during the winemaking process, or add a simple syrup just before serving.

For a drier wine, use less sugar with the same yeast during the winemaking process, or choose a yeast with a higher alcohol tolerance.

How do you make homemade peach wine?

For visual learners, we recommend you check out our Strawberry Wine tutorial, where we have laid everything out, step-by-step, with images. But here is the basic how-to for making Peach Wine:

  1. Sanitize your equipment.
  2. Make the must by mixing your frozen fruit, sugar, and pectic enzyme in your primary fermentation container. Cover and set aside for up to 24 hours (but at least a few hours).
  3. When 24 hours is up, mix the wine yeast with non-chlorinated water, and set it aside.
  4. Stir the selected additives in to the primary fermenter, along with non-chlorinated water and the yeast/water mixture.
  5. Close up the fermenter and fit it with an airlock filled with water.
  6. Agitate the wine at least once a dayโ€”you can do this by swirling the whole container, or by taking off the lid and giving the wine a good stir.
  7. Let everything ferment until the air lock has dramatically less bubbling. For us, this tends to happen with peach wine within 7-10 days.
  8. Strain out the fruit and transfer the wine to your secondary fermentation vesselโ€”typically a clean carboy. Fit it with an airlock and ferment until there are no bubbles left.
  9. Bottle your wine and let it age.

Overhead of clear peach wine in a glass with a fresh peach slice.

Should I use campden tablets in this wine?

Campden tablets are a frequently used additive in homemade wine that are used to sterilize wine at various stages during the winemaking process. They kill off all the yeast and bacteria.

Many people use them to stop fermentation before itโ€™s complete if they want to achieve a certain level of sweetness. Some people add them to the wine just before bottling to make certain fermentation is over to avoid making bottle bombs.

I personally do not use Campden tablets. Mostly because I just donโ€™t find that I need them in my winemaking process, but also because I enjoy including wild yeasts and bacteria in my creations. There are tons of resources on the internet about using Campden tablets if sterilization is of interest to you.

Pouring a glass of homemade peach wine.

Should peach wine be refrigerated?

In general, if the alcohol content of your wine is below 15%, you should keep it refrigerated. If it is above 15%, you should be able to store it safely at room temperature.

To figure out the alcohol content of your wine, you can measure the specific gravity with a hydrometer, or estimate it by looking at the alcohol tolerance of the yeast you used.

A glass of wine stands in front of two bottles and fresh peach slices.

Homemade Peach Wine

Yield: 1 gallon
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Additional Time: 30 days
Total Time: 30 days 30 minutes

Peaches are one of the easiest fruits to use for homemade wine. Follow this peach wine recipe and learn to make peach wine today.



Before You Start

  1. Wash all your tools and sterilize to your desired level of cleanliness. Maintain this level of cleanliness throughout the process.

Making the Wine

  1. In a big bucketa large jar, or specifically designed fermenter, add the frozen fruit, cane sugar, and pectic enzyme (if using). Cover and let sit out until the peaches are defrosted and the entire mixture is quite juicy—at least four hours, up to 24 hours.
  2. When the 24 hours is up (or earlier if the fruit has defrosted), combine about a cup of water with the yeast in a small bowl, and set aside to wake up for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the acid blend or lemon juice, and tannin or black tea to the peach mixture. Add in enough water to bring the total volume of the mixture to about 1 1/3 gallons—no need to be perfectly accurate.
  4. Pitch the yeast water into the mixture, and stir well to agitate. Close the lid on the fermenter and fit with an airlock.

Primary Fermentation

  1. Place the fermenter in a spot out of direct light, but where you can keep an eye on it. Agitate the mixture well at least once per day by stirring or swirling.
  2. The fermentation should start within 1-3 days. Continue to stir or swirl thoroughly throughout the entire primary fermentation stage.
  3. When the bubbles slow down considerably in the airlock (usually around the 7- to 10-day mark for us with this wine, but it’ll vary based on the heat of your house), your primary fermentation is done.

Secondary Fermentation

  1. Fit a funnel with a mesh sieve into the neck of a sterilized carboy. You can also use a special brewing funnel with a strainer if you choose.
  2. Using a large ladle, scoop out the peach pieces and pour them through the sieve and funnel.
  3. Press the peach pieces into the sieve to get as much of the early wine out as possible.
  4. When the sieve fills up, dump the spent must into the compost, and replace. Keep repeating until the majority of the fruit is out of the wine.
  5. Pour the remainder of the wine through the sieve and funnel.
  6. You want the wine to come to the bottom of the neck of the carboy. If you have too much, you can pour yourself a glass of not-yet-finished-but-still-delicious wine. If you have too little, you can top it off with more non-chlorinated water.
  7. Fit the carboy with an airlock. All this agitation will restart any sluggish fermentation quite actively, so I recommend placing the carboy in a place where you can keep an eye on it easily (but still out of direct sunlight).
  8. Once you know it’s not going to geyser wine everywhere, you can then move the carboy to a dark, out-of-the-way spot to do the longer secondary fermentation.
  9. Secondary fermentation is complete when the wine is “still,” meaning there is no carbonation in the wine, no bubbling in the airlock, and the wine has cleared. This can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to months, depending on a number of factors. Do not bottle until the wine is still.

Bottling and Aging

  1. Using a siphon, transfer the finished peach wine—leaving behind the sediment—from the carboy to the bottling bucket (or the primary fermenter if it has a spigot).
  2. Fit the bottling container spigot with a bottle filler, if using.
  3. Fill clean, sanitized bottles using the bottle filler or just the spigot.
  4. Cap, cork, or close the top of the bottles. Label the bottles.
  5. Store in a cool dark spot (if using corks, turn the bottles on their sides to keep the corks wet) and age for at least 30 days, but preferably 6-12 months for the best flavor.


  • If yourย peachย wineย tastesย too dry after secondaryย fermentation, youโ€™ll want to back sweeten it using the process outlined in our Strawberry Wine post.
  • Make sure toย tasteย your wine throughout the process! Not only is it fun to sample, it also helps you better understand theย fermentation processย at work.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 25 Serving Size: 5 oz
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 237Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 1mgCarbohydrates: 61gFiber: 1gSugar: 60gProtein: 1g

At Wholefully, we believe that good nutrition is about much more than just the numbers on the nutrition facts panel. Please use the above information as only a small part of what helps you decide what foods are nourishing for you.

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  1. My peach tree was destroyed by storms. Probably had 1000, peaches on the limbs. I said, what the heck, see if they will ripen. Not too big but ripe. I am a 22 yr stage four breast cancer survivor. No chemicals, processed food etc. I found your recipe, with no chemicals. it was delishous, after fermenting for over three weeks. Strained into carboys, buckets.
    It’s in the pantry,
    but seems “still”.
    What do you think?

    1. Hi Kriston! Thank you for your patience as our offices were closed for summer break. The reason you want to wait until your secondary fermentation is completely still before bottling is to avoid any pressure build up in your bottles. But once the bubbles re finished, it’s good to bottle! The exact time it takes will depend on the conditions of where you stored it. So as long as there’s no more activity in your bubbler and you don’t see any bubbles in the carboys, so should be good to go with bottling and aging. If you’re concerned, then leaving it in the carboy for longer won’t hurt it!

    1. Hi Steven! We use a more country-style wine-making practice and just estimate by the yeast we use!

    1. Hi Rob! Either will work for thisโ€”so use whatever you have or are most comfortable with!

  2. First time winemaker here, why do you transfer the wine from one container to another during primary and secondary? Also, I hope this recipe simply multiplies for larger batches

    1. Hi Grant! We transfer the wine to another container to remove sediment and improve clarity. And since we’re straining after primary regardless, it’s easier to have a second vessel prepped and ready for it to go into when that happens. This also give us a chance to change the style of fermenter from the wide open-mouth primary container we used (better for all that fruit!) to a narrow-neck carboy, which reduces exposure to air. So we can be really specific about which containers we use for which steps! And yes, you can multiply this recipe for larger batches!

  3. You state that for the peach wine you can use a bucket for the primary fermentation container, which is what I planned on, however there is no way to fit it with an airlock. So how does this work?

      1. So if I’m not using an airlock for the primary fermentation, how exactly do I know when this stage is done? Each day when I stir it, there are bubbles or should I say it gets frothy and then the fruit just comes back to the top!

        1. Hi Heidi! You’ll know that primary fermentation is finished when it has slowed down tremendously (usually in 1-2 weeks). If you think this is something you’ll continue making, we definitely recommend investing in an airlock. They’re only a few bucks and they take out a lot of that guesswork! You just have to find one that will fit your primary fermenter. We have links to some great options in the postโ€”all of which either come with or fit an airlock. Let me know if you need help figuring out what will work best for you. I’m happy to help! =)

  4. Hello! Iโ€™m following this recipe with peaches my parents grew this summer right now! I actually just transferred the wine into a carboy today. Itโ€™s going really well so far! Thanks for the recipe! I was wondering. Do you think I can follow this same recipe with apples for apple wine?

    1. Hi Kaitlyn! We’re so glad your peach wine is going wellโ€”that’s great to hear! If you’d like to try other fruits, we recommend you check out our Strawberry Wine post. In it, we have a formula for making any fruit wine that will be a great place to get you started. Let us know how it turns out!

      1. Thank you! Iโ€™ve read through that post as well. I had wondered if apples might be more difficult than other fruits, but Iโ€™m planning to give it a shot in the next couple months! Iโ€™ll let you know how it goes!

    1. Hi Carter! Yes! We recommend you check out our Strawberry Wine postโ€”it has all the details on how to make any fruit wine, including a base formula for where to start. In the Table of Contents, click on number 7 to be taken right to the formula. If it’s your first time making fruit wine, that post has all the details you’ll need!

    2. I have 5 gallons of this finishing up with primary fermentation. When moving to secondary fermentation, if the volume is too low, could you top off with preservative-free peach juice instead of water? Also, if it needs to be back-sweetened, could you use a 1:1 mix of peach juice & sugar instead of water & sugar? Just curious if that will intensify the peach flavor or mess everything up ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. “In general, if the alcohol content of your wine is below 15%, you should keep it refrigerated”
    Not very accurate. The magic number is a little closer to 8%. 12-13.5 ABV wine is stored at room temp. all over the world. Sure, 68ยฐf may be better, but the 15% statement is not true.

    1. Hi Loren! Based on our reading, the 15% range is the safe spot for wines that don’t have additives, preservatives, or Camden tablets, but if you feel comfortable storing your less alcoholic wines at room temperature, you do you!

  6. I have at least 200 lbs of peaches, in just 3 trees. I also recently bought a fruit press to process my peaches. I have 2 6.6 carboys, I would like to make at least 12 gallons of peach wine. Is it wise to press them to a liquid? Appreciate your resources that you have published.
    Last question, my wife is a type 1 diabetic and I am type 2. Any way to reduce the sugar level for the final product?

    1. Hi, William! There’s no need to press them into liquid for this. Cutting them into chunks is fine. With regard to the sugar, this recipe will make for a semi-dry wine, but you can reduce the sugar or use a different yeast to make it even less sweet. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions =)