Overhead shot of Instant Pot coconut yogurt in a white bowl, garnished with mixed berries and seeds, and a drizzle of honey

I first started making this dairy-free coconut yogurt back in 2014. When my daughter was born, she had a Milk and Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI, for short), meaning that even the slightest bit eaten by me would come through my breastmilk and cause her incredible stomach upset. It only lasted six months, but in that time, I discovered that my body functions better without dairy.

That’s how I discovered the amazing versatility of cashew cream. And that’s when I started making my own dairy-free Instant Potย coconut yogurt.

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Side angle shot of wooden spoon scooping coconut yogurt from an Instant Pot

Why should I make this coconut yogurt recipe?

Making yogurt in the Instant Pot (dairy-free or otherwise) is so incredibly fool-proof. If you’ve ever been intimidated by making your own yogurt before, the Instant Pot is your answer. It makes it so hands-offย and so simpleโ€”it’s honestly almost easier than just going to the store to buy premade coconut yogurt.

And my gosh, can you save some serious cash by making your own yogurt at homeโ€”especially the dairy-free stuff. At our local grocery store, a five-ounce cup of coconut milk yogurt runs about $1.99. You can make an entire quartโ€”32 ounces worthโ€”of Instant Pot coconut yogurt for less than $4. Itโ€™d cost you $12.74 to buy that much pre-made! And when you go through as much yogurt as we do, that adds up fast.

Another (huge) added benefit: you can control everything about your yogurtโ€”the thickness, the tanginess, and most importantly to me, the probiotic levels. Most store-bought yogurts are barely fermented at allโ€”some sources say that yogurt from the store can be fermented for as little as one hour! One hour does not get you much healthy bacteria, but you know what does? Using your Instant Pot to ferment for 24 hours or more. Yogurt that is fermented for 24 hours has more healthy probiotics per cup than any over-the-counter probiotic pillโ€”we’re talking billions of good guys helping to keep your gut happy! And it’s way more delicious than popping a pill.

Are there any drawbacks to making Instant Pot coconut yogurt?

The one caveat with Instant Pot coconut yogurtโ€”it’s never going to get as thick as cow’s or goat’s milk yogurt without some help. That’s because coconut milk just doesn’t have the lactose and proteins that transform the texture when fermented.

How do I make thick, creamy homemade coconut yogurt?

If you love good thick yogurt like I do, I highly recommend using any or all of these three ways to get there:

  1. Use the right coconut milk. Full-fatย coconut milk from the can (not “Lite” coconut milk or the coconut milk from the refrigerated cartons) is going to give you the thickest, creamiest yogurt. In fact, if you can find straight-up coconut cream (this is what I usually use), you’re going to get the best results.
  2. Go for a long ferment. Yes, coconut milk won’t thicken like cow’s milk during fermentation, but it will thicken some. The baseline time I recommend to turn your milk into yogurt is eight hoursโ€”but that’s not going to thicken your yogurt at all. If you set your fermentation time for closer to 24 or even 36 hours, you’re going to get a naturally thicker yogurt.
  3. Use a thickener and chill. This is absolutely optional, but I usually thicken my yogurt using unflavored beef gelatin (I’ve also had good results using agar agar for a vegan version). I just add enough to give it a little bit of bodyโ€”and not turn it into yogurt Jelloโ€”and then I chill until completely cold.

It might take you a bit of experimentation to figure out the right combo that makes your family happy. But once you land on it, you’ll never go back to buying yogurt again!

Side shot of two tall Ball mason jars filled with coconut yogurt, with berries off to the side
Side angle shot of a spoon and bowl of Instant Pot coconut yogurt topped with mixed berries, seeds, and honey

What kind of starter do I need for this coconut yogurt recipe?

When you’re making your yogurt, you will need to inoculate your batch with either yogurt starter culture or pre-made plain yogurt from the store. I’ve done both, and they both turn out beautifully. If you choose to use a yogurt starter, this Yogourmet starter is my absolute favorite*. It has very specific strains of bacteria that are great for your tum-tumโ€”my naturopath has actually recommended I eat yogurt onlyย when it’s made with the strains in this yogurt starter to protect my gut health.

(*Please note: this starter contains skim milk powder. If you’re looking for a completely dairy-free way to start your batch of coconut yogurt, you’ll want to use a different starter or a dairy-free yogurt with live active cultures like we mention below!)

The way easier (and cheaper) route is to use premade yogurt as your starter. Just take three tablespoons of whatever plain yogurt you’d like (dairy, soy, coconut, almondโ€”all fine) that has live, active cultures in itโ€”and whisk that in to innoculate your batch of yogurt. Then, when your batch is done, reserve about 1/4 cup of it to make your next batch. You’ll never have to buy yogurt again! It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Overhead shot of a spoon scooping Yogurt out of a Ball mason jar, with another jar, berries, and seeds in the background

What if I don’t have an Instant Pot?

Of course, you absolutely don’t have to have an Instant Pot to make yogurt. You can do it in the slow cooker or on a heating pad (my preferred method pre-Instant Pot) or even under the light in your ovenโ€”basically, any way you can consistently keep your yogurt around 100ยฐF for 8-36 hours while it ferments will do the trick. The Instant Pot just makes keeping the temperature there SO FLIPPING SIMPLE. It removes all the variables and just makes for perfect yogurt every. single. time. Happy yogurtmaking!

How do I flavor or sweeten homemade coconut yogurt?

When the yogurt is finished and cooled is a great time to stir in any sweetener or flavoring like vanilla extract or honey.

Overhead shot of Instant Pot coconut yogurt in a white bowl, garnished with mixed berries and seeds, and a drizzle of honey

Instant Pot Coconut Yogurt

Yield: About 1 quart
Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 1 day
Total Time: 1 day 1 hour

Making Instant Pot Coconut Yogurt is fool-proof and way cheaper than buying yogurt at the store. Plus, you have full control over the thickness, flavor, and probiotic levels!


  • 1 quart of full fat canned or boxed coconut milk (I get best results from this coconut cream, but any full fat coconut milk will work)
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup (do not sub in honeyโ€”it has its own bacteria that will fight the yogurt culture)
  • 3 tablespoons plain yogurt with live active cultures (dairy, soy, coconut, almondโ€”all fine) OR one packet of freeze dried yogurt culture (I like this one)
  • OPTIONAL THICKENER: 1 to 2 teaspoons unflavored grass-fed beef gelatin OR 1/2 to 1 teaspoon powdered agar agar


  1. Pour the coconut milk and maple syrup into the pot of the Instant Pot. Whisk well, then press the “Yogurt” button, and then adjust the setting until you see “boil.” Let the Instant Pot run through the process (it’s getting the milk up to a temperature of around 185°), whisking occasionally. No need to place the lid on the Instant Pot during this stage.
  2. When the Instant Pot beeps that it is finished, allow the milk to cool until it is between 100º and 110º. This can take upwards of an hour.
  3. If using starter yogurt: When the milk is at the correct temperature, ladle out about 1/2 cup of the warm milk into a small bowl, and whisk with the 3 tablespoons plain starter yogurt until smooth. Pour the mixture back into the Instant Pot and whisk well.
  4. If using freeze-dried yogurt culture: When the milk is at the correct temperature, sprinkle on one packet of the starter culture and then whisk very well to combine.
  5. If using a thickener, sprinkle on top of the warm milk, and then whisk very well to combine.
  6. Close the lid of the Instant Pot (no need to seal), and press the “Yogurt” button. Adjust the setting until you see the time display. Set for the desired amount of fermentation time. Eight hours is bare minimum, but I *much* prefer yogurt that has been fermented closer to 24-36 hours. This results in a naturally thick and tangy yogurt—very like regular Greek yogurt. Plus, it has more probiotics! (See notes for more info about time and temp)
  7. When the fermenting time is up, transfer the yogurt to a glass storage container (I use a wide mouth quart jar) and keep in the fridge. It will thicken up considerably as it cools.


If you like thicker, Greek-style yogurt, I recommend using either the gelatin or the agar agar. However, if you want to leave those our, the longer you ferment, the thicker the yogurt gets naturally.

If you do use the thickeners, the upper range will get you a thicker, Greek-style yogurt, while the lower will just thicken to a โ€œnormalโ€ yogurt consistency.

Since coconut milk doesnโ€™t have the same kind of sugars that cowโ€™s milk has, the added maple syrup is to give the bacteria a jump-start mealโ€”they eat almost all the sugars and the resulting yogurt isnโ€™t sweetened at all.

My favorite starter (linked in the post and the recipe above) contains skim milk powder. If you're looking for a completely dairy-free way to start your batch of coconut yogurt, you'll want to use a different starter or a dairy-free yogurt with live active cultures.

Some people recommend using opened probiotic capsules as yogurt starter, and it can workโ€”depending on your probiotic. Proceed with caution though, as some can make yogurt taste really not good.

When you spoon your yogurt into a container for storage, make sure to reserve a little bit for the next batch of yogurt in a small jar (I just fill one of these quarter-pints). That way, youโ€™ll never be without yogurt starter.

I love my Thermapen for yogurt-making (and honestly, everything else in the kitchen), but if you donโ€™t have a thermometer, itโ€™s not a big deal. Another trick is to place a (clean!) finger in the milkโ€”when you can hold your finger in the milk while counting to ten, itโ€™s cool enough to pitch in the yogurt starter.

Some folk in the comments mentioned that their Instant Pot only maintained the desired yogurt fermentation temperature (around 110ยฐ) when set for up to 8 hours. Set for longer than 8 hours, their IP used a lower temperature (around 88ยฐ). Our IP doesn't adjust the temperature in this way, so please check your owner's manual before choosing your time setting!

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 8 Serving Size: 1/2 cup
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 103Total Fat: 7gSaturated Fat: 6gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 2mgSodium: 26mgCarbohydrates: 9gFiber: 0gSugar: 8gProtein: 3g

At Wholefully, we believe that good nutrition is about much more than just the numbers on the nutrition facts panel. Please use the above information as only a small part of what helps you decide what foods are nourishing for you.

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  1. The first time I made this yogurt, my Instant Pot didn’t get to your recommended temps when choosing the 24 hour fermentation cycle. Close but not quite there. It ended up turning out quite good. I used Cocoyo plain yogurt as my starter. I then made it again using the reserved 1/4 cup of starter from my first batch. This batch of yogurt had a smell of rotten eggs after the 24 hour fermentation period. And I noticed that the color of the yogurt was brown whereas my first batch started off brown from the maple syrup but finished white. Do you think that too low a temperature during the fermentation cycle may be the culprit?

    1. Hi Sally! Thank you for your patience as our offices were closed for summer break. It sounds like either the temperature wasn’t high enough or your reserved starter was no longer active. That can happen if there’s too much time between batches or if the culture from the previous batch wasn’t strong enough to make another batch. Our best recommendation would be to check the user manual for your particular device and see what settings are recommended to maintain the correct temperature. Some folks have had to adjust their settings based on their Instant Pot to get the yogurt to turn out. If you need more help troubleshooting, feel free to reach out again or send us an email. We’re happy to help!